1 year ago

Gandi IDE is hosting monthly Game Jams on itch.io.

You can earn prices and more on Gandi IDE's Discord Server if you submit your projects to the Jam.

Since I've entered 3 Jams so far and since Gandi IDE is continuing to grow, I have decided to promote Gandi's Scratch Game Jam #5. Therefore, you can earn Naquagems from your submission for the Jam.

What are Naquagems?

Naquagems (also known as NGs for short) are the official currency/tokens in Gandi IDE/Cocrea's point system. They can be exchanged into prices and rewards in the Gandi IDE Discord server if you have certain amount. You can earn Naquagems from your Game Jam submissions. If you put enough effort or make something that a lot of people would enjoy, you can earn up to THOUSANDS of Naquagems.

You can use either TurboWarp or Gandi IDE to submit to the Jam, but it is recommended to use Gandi IDE for earn additional extra NGs.


Let me tell you, it's kind of fun being part of these Gandi Game Jams. AND in the Discord Server, you get to see people reacting and playing all games in the Jam as well.

Reward Distributions


In order to get all rewards, it is required to join the Gandi IDE Discord Server. You can join here:


I hope I get to see what you all make for the Jam. Got more questions, feel free to ask in the Discord server.

1 comment


Next up

So, remember I once announced this here?

Well, I hate to say that I have to cancel it. Reason for this is due to the huge negative backlash from the Gandi IDE community.

But its resources will be used on Heaven Saga from the poll on my Discord server.

So uh…I think you guys can recognize one of these guys…

One of these subscribers of MY channel is extremely controversial.

It’s been creeping around the Scratch communities lately so yeah…

Ever since I’ve been hearing that there was a new fandom going around, I started to look for it.

I found it and…wow, in just one single freaking month, a whole fandom was born.

Just wow, a total shocker.

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

Wow, not a single downvote on this.

People just are absolutely addicted to FNAF, aren't they?

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

Nice to see the amount of likes I have had been all filled with my favorite number.

(Or favorite number from my childhood, in case if you become skeptical about it).

what ya'll think?

The 3rd entry's thumbnail is too bland, so I redid the whole thing.