Get The Crates
3 years ago

Get the Crates 0.23 available! A lot of network issues solved! And fixed some voice chat bugs!

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So you surely already notice it, but sometimes (in v0.22 and earlier) when the opponent jumps, the jump was very "laggy" . Also the same sometimes when he moves.

Well, this is now fixed in 0.23! The player sync between clients is almost perfect! (see video)

Also, I fixed some bugs with voice chat, which you can now mute.



Next up

Get The Crates 0.32 Available!

Please Read article!

Blokoding 1.5.0 available!

Numbers are now in letters (to avoid bugs)

Blokoding 1.2 available!

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)


Join The Discord For Updates


Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Get The Crates 0.34 Available!

New features:

- Trophies! You can now earn in-game trophies. Try to collect them!

You knew Olaf, Ale Abbey's fluffy doggo. Prepare to meet Otto the cat, the monastery Cellar's sleepy restless guardian🍻⛪

You will - indeed - be able to pet them in-game for a bonus in Satisfaction!🐈☺️

#indiegame #petthedog #pixelart #screenshotsaturday

Blokoding: A way for kids to learn programming!

Yes, a game to learn programming! Just drag'n'drop cards (for instance actions, loops, conditions...) and start a level to make your character move and execute your program!


Get The Crates 0.39 Available!

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Collected new gameplay footage this week. And finally found (and added) a new piece of music that suits the mood of the game

Get The Crates 0.40 Available!

New weapons animations!