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¡Hola a todos en este grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. Casi 70% del juego ya está hecho. He aquí ejemplo de puzzle con tirador de la luz cargada e inversor de gravedad. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
¡Hola a todos en este grupo y Feliz año nuevo!
Comparto con vosotros nuevo vídeo de RTG que acerca su estado Alpha. En el vídeo podeís ver logo y menu principal. ¡Que os guste! Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
RTG - The Ray-Traced Game is in version 0.6.2. Around 2/3 of the game is done, currently I'm on sound&music. In the video you can see typical 'puzzle boxes' level. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
¡Hola a todos aquí en este grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. 75% del juego ya está hecho, estoy cerca de versión beta. En este video podéis ver un puzzle con "luces cargadas mortales". Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
Hi all, hola todos! RTG has first sounds&music . Here's demo video where, apart from mentioned sounds&music, can be also seen also a glimpse of what's story about. Video is available also on my YT in 60fps: https://youtu.be/13C0tuZAXFY?feature=shared
Hi Everyone and Happy New Year!
RTG is nearing its Alpha state. The game has its logo at startup and proper main menu with own dedicated ray-traced scene, all in the "mood" of game itself. Hope you'll like it! Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
¡Hola a todos en grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. El juego está en versión 0.6.2. 65% del juego está hecho, actualmente estoy poniendo sonidos y música al juego. ¡Que os guste! Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
New video of RTG - The Ray-Traced Game, which is now around 75% complete. In the video you can see a puzzle involving "deadly bouncing lights". Follow me on YT for more gamedev videos: https://www.youtube.com/@vdienesdev Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
Hi All! New video of RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. The game is in version 0.6.3. Almost 70% of the game is done. In the video you can see puzzle consisting of charged light shooter, gravity inverter, boxes, switches. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/