1 year ago

Go touch some grass y'all šŸ‘€šŸƒ



Next up

It looks like Jagex is about to have its 4th owner in 8 years: CVC Capital Partners is looking to close a $1.1 billion deal to acquire the studio behind RuneScape. šŸ‘€ They're changing hands about as much as I change my underwear.


Looks like we're getting a live-action Legend of Zelda movie. šŸ‘€


Here's a relaxing autumn photoshoot I did tonight on my island. That AMAZING denim Bob jacket was designed by none other than our @KniteBlargh and is the perfect fit for a chilly fall night on Eilean! šŸ’œšŸ‚

don't make my mistake when you look at an eclipse

SinatraGirl is streaming Animal Crossing: New Horizons again! Come hang out with her as she remodels her island entrance! GIVE HER SOME IDEAS!!!

"I'm bout to sauce you"

" šŸ‘„ "

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" šŸ‘Ÿ šŸ… "

" šŸ "

" ā›¹ļø šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³"

I've been working on a new game dev project here lately and am actually REALLY happy with how this third person camera I made in Godot turned out! Do any of y'all have any suggestions for improvement on it before I move on to other gameplay elements?

After researching different ways to handle stairs in Godot, I finally got it working last night! It's choppy and probably not the best implementation, but it will suffice for now and let me focus on other things! šŸ˜

Someone just leaked photo of Gamejolt's servers omfg

new year, new me. Happy New Year y'all