Point 1 :Well, this publication serves to thank everyone for this bitter year that this account has been through, although I am not here much, sometimes I log in to see how they are, well I just hope that this year, my 16th birthday, is better than last year, I have had to leave several bad self-destructive habits that made me worse as a person, this year will be better for me as a person and for this account, the truth is I have planned to do several things but due to personal development issues I am quite far away of this, maybe currently it's more on reddit
Point 2: Another point I wanted to talk about is that my return lasted so little because there was no real motivation, I simply came back to feel the same but times change and you can no longer feel the same as 4 or 3 years ago, I am very grateful to this platform for this possibility
After this I want to say thank you for it, I give you a big hug from Peru and bye take care :)