Hey folks, this article here is just for me to personally leave an important statement, considering everything that's happened recently. For everyone's sake, I think it's best if I start with the good news.
Firstly, I just wanna thank you all again for being such awesome, supportive friends! It's genuinely insane to think that I've been on Gamejolt since I was 14, time moves fast when you're having fun! Being on this site for so long, I've seen a thing or two. Some moments were fantastic, some a little less fantastic, and some were just downright terrible. There's been times where I wondered what would've happened if I never made my account to begin with! Despite everything though, I have my friends to thank for just letting me be myself. I used to be so scared of sharing my art, or even just simply talking about my interests, but you guys showed me that it's ok to be a little eccentric/weird. It's just human nature. Now, my art is the best it's ever been, and I've never felt happier! Everyone has done so much for me, so the LEAST I could do is return the favor. Yeah I know it's MY birthday today, but it's still important that everyone gets to feel appreciated, you know? Don't be afraid to send me birthday wishes guys, I'd LOVE to read them! Trust me, there's no greater gift one could get than to be adored by so many people, both familiar and new! All of that positive rambling aside, however, I also hope everyone's doing alright, since now I would like to talk about some more serious news...
So, it's been officially confirmed that Donald Trump won the 2024 election. To say I'm heartbroken about this would be the understatement of the century. I actually cannot believe that Trump, the guy who literally tried to overthrow democracy, the guy who was publicly best friends with Jeffery Epstein, the guy who once said he grabs women "by the pussy", the guy who defended the racist mob at Charlottesville, the guy who wanted to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, the guy who withdrew us from the Paris Climate Agreement, and the guy who called Haiti and El Salvador "shitholes" was allowed to run again. What is wrong with us as a nation? I'm not even asking it in a hyperbole sense, I'm genuinely just dumbfounded at the fact that this man has done evil after evil after evil, and he STILL got voted in. Now, with all of that being said, I know things are extremely bleak right now, but it's still important to have faith and hope in whatever happens to us now. Yes, this is absolutely a massive setback for everyone everywhere, but for now, I think all we can really do is just be with our loved ones and friends. Cherish the time you spend with them, and make sure to remind them that we're all in this together. Nobody should suffer alone, and I hope this message helped reassure some folks. Please take care everyone, I love you all. We'll get through this, I KNOW we will.