3 years ago

GUIDE: How to beat the Entrance Hall Pillar in Q Scenario!

  1. You should have highest equipment, which is not hard since you can instantly buy everything at the vending machine. It's very important because the Pillar does over 9000 1000 damage even with max equipment.

  2. Rat should also be Level 20, so he has the Guarding Forcefield and THE SLAP.

  3. You need Auto Presents and Burgers. XL Burgers are the most helpful.

  4. Let's start the fight now. You should use the Guarding Forcefield and one Auto present in the first turn already. The Pillar is the biggest problem, his ATK is huge and he could much likely intakill you without the forcefield. The pillar has 6 allied bootlegs, but they are no deal as long as you have the guarding forcefield, so ignore them and instead focus on taking down the Pillar first. The safest way is to wait until Rat has 100 TP and then try THE SLAP on the Pillar. It won't be enough to kill it, so you should also attack it with screams and other skills.

    Remember to recharge your forcefield and autolife everytime they're gone...they're gone...they're gon-

    Once the Pillar is wrecked, the Bootlegs shouldn't be a problem to deal with anymore.

And that's it. I hope I could help a few players.



Next up

First presentation is over, and just LOOK at our progress!

New emote.

Model by Tim-Leonard Ullrich

Look at our ghosts for Phantom Focus! We've got the Hauntling, the Slurper, and the Duster.

Creators are Emma, Tim and Csilla, our 3D character artists.

Our first prototype for Phantom Focus!

My UI design for Phantom Focus

All our lovely ghosts of Phantom Focus.

There's the Slurper, Hauntling, Duster and our newbie, the Sorceress.

Courtesy of our 3D character artists Tim, Emma and Csilla. Vision and game design was done by myself.

Our spooky team logo!

Tomorrow is pitch day at Games Academy. Let's see if we'll make it through. ^^

Spooky logo and concept art for my next semester project: PHANTOM FOCUS

Best mascot

The gang's all here