7 months ago

Happy Anniversary to FNAF and all of you in this awesome community!

I am making something VERY UNSUAL to celebrate!

I am working on something unusual in my free time. Announcement at the end of the anniversary week, august 8th or 9th.

Ironically, the same time my semester project Phantom Focus is released. The semester is coming to an end and my incredibly fun project at Games Academy will be over, so in the coming weeks I will have time to continue work on this mysterious fangame.



Next up

Echoing Skies is out now! The most successful student project I had the chance to be a part of.

Play it now: https://games-academy.itch.io/echoing-skies

Our ghost photography / shooter project Phantom Focus has entered this realm! You can play it NOW!

Game: https://games-academy.itch.io/phantomfocus

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkGQxBGQ64g

My Cover art and some of my UI created for the expressive 3D platformer Echoing Skies

My final student project at Games Academy

Play: https://games-academy.itch.io/echoing-skies


Gallery screen I designed for my semester project Echoing Skies.

Play an early build here: https://ozmao.itch.io/echoing-skies

Rat Race Production Update


Have some Art by me. What could it possibly be for?

My last student project at Games Academy started. This time it's an expressive platforming game!

I'm doing the design and art for all of the UI. The logo was also created by myself.

You can already play an early build here: https://ozmao.itch.io/echoing-skies

''Could someone be at my window?''

We just finished presentation of Phantom Focus at Games Academy!

Now to find out if our team gets to present the game to the external jury next week! Wish us luck!