Also happy birthday Baldi's Basics.
Next up
It's actually surprising how there's a freaking pet store named by this game's name.
We sure live in a conected universe...
thx @Odavi2046-2 for sending me this
Made a art for Siena if she had a redesign!
made this with my graphic table in Paint Tool Sai.
Siena's pets has reached 100 followers!
I've never thinked how this game came to this so far.
Congratulations @Whyamistuckintraffic for being the 100# follower!
Maybe I'll make something related to this.
This is the new character Batty!
Happy mother's day!
Have a look of Sarah Campbell's drawing I made for her before I modeled her in the game's development!
Just wanted to show some images/behind the scenes from the game!
I made gumball a vector
Happy 10 years, TRTF (AKA Super Cancer guy)!