Five Nights at Sonic's: MARIO'S PIZZA WORLD (Unofficial)

4 months ago

Happy Halloween from the MPW Dev Team!
( + Mini Dev Log/Update Status )

We have reached the end of Spooky Month, but that also means it's Halloween, too!

This month has been a blast for Mario's Pizza World on itself, and I'm more than just having fun working on a wacky silly fan-game for a FNaF fan-game series that I have been around with since the release of the first game back in Feburary 2015.

But we ain't here to remember the past now, are we? We're here for.. y'know, an update on the game's state, that's the point of this.

Original Phone Guy Voice Actor

If you haven't noticed, but the original user behind the phone guy voice had been removed and replaced with someone else. (Vee)

This is because of something that happened between me and Ato, the original voice actor for Phone Guy. (I'd rather not go too much into it, but my dark humor is involved in it.)

As much as I appreciated him being on team, it is sad to see him go, despite him not getting to do anything else because of the game's early state of development. I sure do hope the best for him in the future, however.


Admitedly, I wanted to push out a troll demo at some point, but my laptop had died out as I was working on that, so the idea died out quickly.

Ignoring that, however, game is going pretty smooth, really. Sharing too much at this time is something I want to prevent for now.

As much as short this was, (It's a fuckin' mini devlog, idiot.) it is nice to get something out at least, I don't like to stay silent for too long unless necessary.

See you next time.



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i may have a problem

On Today's SuperGamingSecrets, we will take a deep dive on how to access Next Generation REGENERATED Act 1's Super Duper Tuper Secret 10th Night!!

My, oh my.

10 years, eh? How incredible! It's crazy to think I was once here since the very first game released back in 2015.. Man, where does the time GO?

Well, might as well just do another QnA. What's your questions?

Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

FNaS means so much for other people despite it's quality, I feel like it should be treated with celebration just like the other parody games. This is a repost for other communities #FanArtFriday

Game died? No. Not really.

My laptop? Yes, it did.

I lost the most recent build when that happened, but doesn't mean I'm giving up.

From courtesy of me, Survival Mode's revamped menu.

Happy 10 years of Five Nights at Sonic’s

who the fuck invited blud

Clone Channel art for February 2025, featuring Super Clone Sonic! (& Happy 10th Anniversary to FNaS!!!!)

me when fnas fans can't brighten up an image

also probably a good time to reveal that i'm something of a liar myself

the game isn't cancelled

the leaked build got taken down so LMAO I WIN