1 year ago


these are some cool people I've met!!

@TheMemento_Offical you were my first follower and you helped me out a lot with my journey, first on scratch and now here, Thanks man.

@MealnieMAW thank you for being in my life.

@xubur_cat you're a really cool dude I look up to you a lot.

@Bop__ Bopbopbobpbobpoopbobppob
I look up to you as well and honestly I didn't think id manage to become friends with you.

@orbiusorbington sup orbz you were there when I first started too mostly in firesides and just having a lot of fun in them.

@sirtoat TOAST you're also a really fun dude to hang around with and I hope we can talk more.

@FeralPossum Ferall!! you are an amazing artist and I look up to you a lot you've inspired me to draw more and experiment with my stuff.

@BeastMode21356 you are an awesome artist and a cool person to be around. (the bound fanart was dope asf)

@-Flawless- you are a goated artist too we may not interact that much but I still look up to you man.

@worldTM you're cool asf and really fun to be around in general honestly.

@Treewater you're cool, I like you fella :3 the art is sick, keep it up!

@mac_n_cheeseiscool you're annoying asf but I still like you dude. (no homo)

@MrWhiteRabbit you've supported me a lot, and I'm really thankful for it.

@RealAwezomeXD you're awesome!!!! i look up to you a lot.

@Dusterthe1 ay man keep up the cool videos thanks for making one on Bound and Scraps!

@ShortStreet53 keep it up with the cool videos man! you're improving

@CircuitBoardProductions Your models are sick dude!
keep it up i look forward to whatever you're cooking up

@Nater_ @TurtleBoard Everest 2024 will be peak!!!!!

Anyways that's all I have to say
I'm sorry if I forgot anyone
all of you are awesome as hell
and thank you for supporting me one way or another.

Happy New Year!!!



Next up


I wonder where I've seen those two before @Nater_

New things are coming

Silly ass shark pfp I made for someone :3c

this is amazing almost 200 is such an achievement, specially for a little gamejam game like this

Happy Valentines Day @Bop__ ! (also thx for 800!)

Uhm.. uuhhmm....