Munchkin and Zombies (out now!)
2 years ago

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Next up

devlog: am tired

- added round count

- added zombie count

- made sure that the zombies code will reset when it respawns

- only took 20 mins.

the move bro's hitting seems familiar

devlog: I forgor

- added cat-a-punch (gives you nine lasers making it a waste to roll the max box.)

-fixed all of the work that had to be rushed because I was in school.

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

the wiki is about an hour behind on the cold island colossal being woken up.

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

Dev log: no perks?

- added perks

1. cat-nog (gives you 500 health for 500 points)

2. catten-up (increases speed by 10, 15 total)

- added max box

1. can give you 3 lasers instead of one.

2. very rare, gives you 6 lasers instead of 3 or one.

munchkin leak.

what ya'll think?

dev log: mememememememeow

- added zombie attack code and how to kill it

- made scratch description

- made the teleporter glow-up possible with a click of a button