It's been a while since I posted anything here.
Exams, some personal problems, and the game was forgotten
Now I'm sitting and watching how two projects rot in my profile, and it's sad. Let's forget about that and try one more(and i hope last) time to revive it, so it can go to it's grave with me calmly
The whole idea has changed. By that i mean some details:
Now the map will look different and will change as you progress
The number of characters will remain the same, but their appearance will be changed
The plot part will be changed. Now we are in our nightmare (or something similar to a nightmare)
Now we can turn around and pick up items (some of them will be needed to continue the game).
We will see exactly how it will look. So far, I can say that it looks better than last time.
This is how Mick will look like

I will slowly continue to add something and post here Aaaaaand.....somewhere else, you'll see
This will be interesting and hard))