4 days ago

Hello! Asher here!

**Read article**

Hello, How are you doing-? Hopefully wonder!

I have not been changeling myself lately so I thought it would be a marvelous and fun idea to draw people's ocs!! Just comment if you would like me to draw your oc or not, then attach a picture of the OC you would like me to draw. If it's not possible to attach a picture, (or you just don't want it) I will look though your posts and draw one I like! I will draw your ocs in both depry style and my art style! Now depending on your oc, the style might be different since I do have a habit of drawing I'm different artsyles at once! TvT

Now, if you are not an artists on GameJolt, or simply dont post your drawings, but you would like me to draw your oc and stuff, I'll simply draw your profile picture. If your profile picture is default, I'll draw one of your posts, if you don't post and have a default profile picture, then I'll draw that! I'm trying to make sure everyone who wants in on this is included! Have a great day bc you deserve it! Now, once I'm done I will post them in like a scrolling instead of a bunch of individual posts. I'm your drawing you will be tagged, in both the article and in the drawing!!! Depending on how many people get in on this, I might do parts, like part one, part two and so on!


Omggg low-key excited!!



Next up

It's okay not to be okay

Bottling it up isn't



I really appreciate all the surrport! Have a great day ^^

More doodles ✨

*Some Lyrics from Freaks by Surf Course

LittleBigFunkin Concept

Filled out @Status_anxiety bingo ^^

I redrew Hatsune miku !!

(Second page was the old version i drew a few years ago)

(sorry for not updating as much TvT)

In honor of 100 followers, thought why not put some stuff down about myself! (Depry one looks more like me IRL tbh-lol) The bottom one is my main OC, Ashlen! Also the character of my pfp! Sorry if my handwriting is hard to read! TvT

Day 1

Drawing your ocs!

**Open article**

Drew my fursona for the first time in a longg while wowie uhmm him <3

Fun fact: I collect pins and stickers. Like. Alot. These two are one of my favorite ones. The possum is the newer one. I got them at HotTopic if you want some like these btw ^^ 🌟