Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location 2D

1 year ago

Hello everyone, for some reason, I now do not display the avatar from Gamejolt in the main menu, I do not know what this is due to because 3 days ago the avatar appeared, but maybe it's only me, maybe you will display it



Next up

v1.1.6 -Changelog-

-Changed the mouse in the "Under Desk"

-Fixed a bug where it was impossible to get a trophy on the third night

-Now you can get into the secret room with Ennard as in the original

-Attack counter in Ballora Gallery has been increased

The gamejolt avatar is displayed again in the menu after logging in, hopefully forever

Finished the secret night with Ennard the game is half designed


It Was So Long Ago

Rat Race Production Update

I made a Survival Mode, it remains only to make the Final Cutscene and check for bugs, and I think FNaF:SL 2D will be released next week

Made a Ballora, Bidybab and Minireenas


Game Released!