Luci RPG

1 year ago

Hello, everyone!

I am working on Build 22, which will make many changes to my systems. Specifically, the menu has a new look, and I'm fixing the lag issues (finally).

I'm adding some extra funnies and cool mechanics as well. I hope you look forward to it!



Next up

The Scorflobo Family is here! Cory isn't just some random child hanging around in Sand Town now 👀

Cory's face sprite has been remade (as shown) with the addition of 2 new characters! Elizabeth Scorflobo and Lawrence Scorflobo, the parents of Cory :)

Major Changes

-Added secret boss in lab

-Finished spare route

-Finished kill route for other secret boss in lab

-Custom sound design

-New music

-Game Jolt Trophy Integration

-4th party member's 100 RP attack buffed

-Higher chances for Ench. Netherite gear

Build 15 of Luci RPG is now available for download on both Windows and Mac!

oh em geee.. this is like, totally epic 0_0 (Translation: Download the new LRPG Update!)

Character belongs to @bebder_game

Nothing like adding a bit of customization to Luci RPG through a color-changing menu, implimented by CT_Zeal!

So you're tellin' me LRPG is getting a graphical overhaul to get rid of those pesky default RPG Maker graphics? By, golly, that's gorgeous! Build 18 of LRPG is now avaliable!

Check out this badass menu made by @CT_Zeal !

Haha new beverage that isnt Diet Coke! The dialogue will probably be fully changed in build 19, idk about build 18

We've gone ahead and introduced side-view battle sprites for Luci RPG! Definitely helps make the game feel much more substantial.

A big update is releasing on Christmas Day at 12:00 A.M. EST! Headliners:

-New soundtrack! At the start of a game you can choose remade or VX Ace soundtrack.

-Hardcore mode overhaul!

-A LOT of overworld changes and bug fixes!

Happy holidays, everybody!