
7 months ago

Hello everyone, read article / Привет всем, прочьтите артикль.

We are removing Happy's demo version from the page because this version is too old and terrible. Now the game looks completely different, absolutely everything has been changed, so the demo version no longer reflects the essence of the game.

Tomorrow we will post a teaser trailer showing gameplay.
Мы удаляем со страницы игры демо-версию Happy's, так как эта версия слишком старая и плохая. Теперь игра выглядит совершенно по-другому, изменено абсолютно все, поэтому демо-версия уже не отражает суть игры.

Завтра мы опубликуем тизер-трейлер с показом геймплея.



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hpapy e

sowhcsae mneu

"It took me a long time to come to terms with his death, but I should have accepted a long time ago that he was no longer around."

Every shadow is a caution.

camera update

This Comes From Inside.

Teaser & read article

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

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