Comments (34)
Here is my Gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW4hiU_CCW8
Happy's Starts at 04:35
I really like the art style and sound effects you gave the game. I see potential in it and will hope for the full game to come out. Bug report: When I am fixing the light bulb and the animatronic appears, I turn the lights off and on again instantly, this makes happy disappear so I can't get jumpscared, but it makes the audio not play unless I turn the light off again and this makes Happy not show up again unless I turn off the light too let his leaving audio play.
Hi, i'm SPECIALSS, but you can call me Kevyn, i wanted to ask you if you want me to help you put the interface and subtitles into Spanish for Happy's, there are many fans who won Hispanics, and I wanted to help them subtitle some fangames into Spanish, of course, with permission, so what do you say?
I am Colombian in case you ask.
gmae of yaer 🏅
Happy's (unfinished and poorly made version)
Game Soundtrack
Happy's Music - tension of the situation
- 1.Happy's Music - tension of the situation
- 2.Happy's Music - Insomnia
- 3.Happy's Music - Psychosis
- 4.Happy's Music - Blissful Sleep
- 5.Happy's Music - I will never forget him
- 6.Happy's Music - I will never forgive yourself
- 7.Happy's Music - my mind is going crazy
- 8.Happy's Music - close to fear
- 9.Happy's Music - always alone

Your main goal will be to forgive yourself, let go of the past, and at a minimum, not go crazy. Will you do what you are ordered, or refuse, regardless of the consequences? The choice is yours.
Вашей главной целью будет-простить себя, отпустить прошлое, и как минимум, не сойти с ума. Сделаете, что вам прикажут, или, откажитесь, не смотря на последствия? Выбор- за вами.

You have the opportunity to use a flashlight, but under the condition that with the help of a flashlight you will learn to save its energy.
you have a shocker, which you will need even more than a flashlight. Think about your actions correctly, and everything will be fine.
you can use a stun gun on cameras, in some “circumstances” don’t think that once is enough.
The most important features of the gameplay are HP or the player’s health. There are animatronics that cannot simply kill you the first time. They will take away part of your health , so what now? Take a pill and calm down. But pills also have the opposite effect - hallucinations in the form of images or sounds, or what’s worst for you, falling into the subconscious. Get out as quickly as you can.
У вас есть возможность использовать фонарик, но при условии, что с помощью фонаря вы научитесь экономить его энергию.
У вас есть шокер, который вам понадобится даже больше, чем фонарик. Правильно обдумывайте свои действия, и все будет хорошо.
на камерах можно использовать электрошокер, в некоторых «обстоятельствах» не думайте, что одного раза будет достаточно.
Важнейшими особенностями игрового процесса является HP или здоровье игрока. Есть аниматроники, которые не смогут просто убить тебя с первого раза. Они отнимут у тебя часть здоровья, и что теперь? Выпей таблетку и успокойся. Но таблетки имеют и обратный эффект – галлюцинации в виде образов или звуков, или, что для вас хуже, попадание в подсознание. Убирайтесь как можно быстрее.

@iamshezoid - graphic artist / composer / creator of idea
[художник графики /композитор, создатель идеи]
@kefirchi - coder / designer / composer / creator of idea
[кодер / дизайнер / композитор / создатель идеи]
ssinusoid- artist of several moments [художник нескольких моментов]
Dessverplay- voice acting / feedback / beta test [озвучка, отзыв, бета тестер]
@grad_composer - composer [композитор]
@Yusuf_Bakhtiyarov - 3d references
[3д референсы]
@MRshira, @uraniumgames , @SmikeyNorter_Official
-beta testers / feedback
[бета тестеры, отзывы]
@NoName2007, @speedorsm @SillyKat
, exector- Voice acting
@Keyrich - coder
@innovax - the team that created this project [команда, создавшая этот проект]

#fnaf ; #fnafparody ; #happys ; #other ; #horror
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore