Parasite's Island

5 years ago

Hello Everyone! Today I implemented the inhabitant movement!

Inhabitant Movement

The inhabitant Movement is the only thing that I worked on today. This inhabitant movement is pretty basic it just randomly picks a spot in the scene within a certain area then the inhabitant goes there. The inhabitant also decides randomly whether to walk or just stay idle. This would not be how the inhabitants would work in the future but this movement would be the basis of the inhabitant's movement in the future. This movement system would be tweaked to go with the different states that the inhabitants could go to.



Next up

Hello Everyone! Yesterday, I finally implemented the new means of infection through a small panel of buttons. It took me the whole day to implement because of unforeseen errors but I finally finished it

Hello Everyone! For the past few days I have been working on the schedule system. Not sure if this would be it or I would change it because my current implementation is buggy and laggy but here are what I've made so far

Hello Everyone! Today I re-implemented some things that are included in the game before I changed the grid system and the path finding implementations

Here are the changes that I made today:

Hello Everyone! My implementation of the path finding is not optimized and causes some lag. I decided that it is best if I use the A* Path Finding Project. Learning this might be the focus of this week's development

Hello Everyone! Today I started implementing a new system of infecting inhabitants.

Hello Everyone! Yesterday when I implemented the new infection mechanics I forgot a little detail about the infection. Today I fixed it.

These are the changes that I've done for today:

Hello Everyone! Today I continue working on implementing the A* Path Finding Project into the game.

Hello Everyone! I just uploaded a new devlog update on my Youtube Channel!

Hello Everyone! in the last update I implemented a schedule system. Unfortunately my implementation causes an error. I removed it instead but I have a different implementation of the inhabitant movement in mind so look out for that in the next updates

Hello Everyone! Here are the things that I worked on today: