4 years ago

Hello Guys! Sorry for the inactivity (Collage, final exams, etc) But i'm realising a demo so you can get a taste of what the game will be like. The game is nearly finish but it needs a bit more of coding.

I'm looking foward to your reviews and critics!

1 comment


Next up

Hello guys!

I've been working in the last few details of the game, and it's ready but i'm wating for a friend to send me some audio files to add to the game.

Meanwhile, i'm uploading a cutscene i made for the game

So stay tunned for the release!

Thank you guys for the 100 followers!

When i posted this game i didn't expect this support, next week i'm sitting for 2 exams at collage, so i won't be able to work a lot, but I leave these for you guys

Thanks a LOT!

What up guys!

I'm done with exams for some weeks, so i'll continue to work in the game. I'm slowly getting to the release, today i'm coding the custom night and i had to design the menu, and i had the idea to share this WIP to you guys!


Number 7's name is!.. Oh well, you're not ready to know it yet, but now you can simply refer to her as "A.R."

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

Family band complete!

What you all think