Dusttale: Screams of the Dead
9 months ago

Hello, there, denizens of Gamejolt.

I am proud to announce that Dusttale: Screams of the Dead now has a Gamejolt page.

This is a Dusttale: Call of the Void take headed up by @PhantomDestroyer000 and myself. The game page will be managed by @Tenbrooks .

On the team we have @A-RodTheGreat for dialogue, @KatimuX for the thumbnails (Absolutely loving what you did for the Gamejolt thumbnail, thank you SO much), and @IzzyTheSkelly for sprites. I will be doing music, and there are already a few tracks uploaded.

With all that said, work will continue to go on for this. We're hoping to get this running along.

As of writing this post, this will be a concept/design page. There are no definitive plans on a game as of right now, but it is something that we would love to have happen, but cannot do with our current team. As such, we are in need of coders and overworld spriters. If you are interested, DM me on Gamejolt with the tag "instinctuality", or @PhantomDestroyer000 with the tag "undertaleauworkaholic", and show us some of your past work, and if you are a coder, tell us what game engine you prefer to operate on.

That is all. Thank you for reading!



Next up

Greetings Gamejolt

@Fired_ crusty dusty (I don't know if this the right video, but if so, thanks for funni sprite)

banan spread I dunno what this even is but whatever

Did you refine your rage today?


Care to share with the class?

I got bored

@lfarquaad Since no one had been replying to my post in that art contest, I put the people who liked it into a Random Spinner. You were the randomized person. If I get into a winning position, you get the prize that would have been mine.