This is the Plot for Episode One - A Welcome-Ning Squeeze only!!!! Enjoy the show folks!!!!!!
Plot for Episode One Only!!!!
(Created on: March 20th, 2024)

Plot for Episode One:
After you'd finished your night job, you'd then walked into some unknown kind of place deep below inside of an underground cave!!!! There you'll see then that it's actually the ultra remains of some kind of old place known as Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! A place where it use to be home of only the Parody Mascots made from many past workers of Haxx Hustun Studios itself!!!! But now, it was ruled by the souls that live inside of those mascot horror attractions themselves!!!!
Nearly from surviving all of those dangerous and mysterious creatures during your moments back at some now-closed-ed museum, you must face the unbearable and unforgivable secrets hidden away all over the old remains of the Haxx Hustun Studios facility!!!! Solve puzzles, find tapes, explore the unknown, and survive so carefully from all of the Parody Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!! And to all things clear, not everyone is perfect from this world all around you!!!!! This is survival and not real-life!!!!!!!
-End of Plot for Episode One
And that's for the plot of Episode One you guys!!! And for bonus points, I'm also going to just create the Plot for Episode Two - A Deathf in The Wind as well!!!!! Enjoy everybody!!!!!!
Plot for Episode One Only!!!!
(Created on: March 20th, 2024 "ASLO!!!")

Plot for Episode Two:
Nearly surviving the first bottom floors of the old and abandoned-ish remains of the facility of Haxx Hustun Studios and also that elevator crash as well, you had then stumbled upon a strange and newer-ish floors among the remains of the old abandoned Aperture Science Headquarters!!!!!! Now ruled by some more dangerous threats all made from them workers of HHS Inc and whatnot, this is like no ordinary parody-like facility!!!! It's a parody-like studio runed from the workers of Jax Justun Studios also as well!!!!
While navigating yourself from using some sort of new and interesting Aperture-like Portal Device, you'd then come across a strange and now abandoned waterpark, which all runed by the owner of Haxx Hustun Studios known as "Baxx Jonnson", the son of the owner of Jax Justun Studios which is of course "Nave Jonnson" himself!!!!! While discovering the unforgettable remains of this now and abandoned waterpark, you'll also encountered some brand new monsters or Parody Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!
And as always, not only that you'll be doing more and more climatic-like puzzles to solve and finding more and more crazy-ness of some secrets, but also encountered some strange-like human-noid-like creature that lurks all over the waterpark!!!!! With of course, some familiar faces from existing properties and such. And to all things clear, not everyone is perfect from this world all around you!!!!! This is survival and not real-life!!!!!!!
-End of Plot for Episode Two
And there you all have it folks!!! Sorry to that all of the separate messages had to be short for today here's because I need to eat dinner now and it's getting late!!! And my father's so tired as well also!!! But how life is sometimes huh?!?!?!!!! Anyway now, stay positive, be respectful and have a wonderful goodnight sleep!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!!!