2 years ago

Here is a Snorlax Cake Topper I made for a Pokemon Cake. Here is the video tutorial if anyone wants to make it.



Snorlax Cake Topper - Pokemon Cake Tutorial - Cake Decorating Video by Caketastic Cakes
Pokemon fans look no further! Follow along in this tutorial and create your very own edible, gum paste Snorlax and make your poke-cake amazing! #Caketastic...



Next up

Never underestimate the power of practice! I found the earliest pic of a Minecraft cake I made - from about a decade ago, and my most recent of Steve and a Creeper. Wow.


100% guilty of this one. My money was on Kevin.

Any preschoolers on here? No? Oh well, still nailed it for just a bunch of flat decorations. :)

Got bored and decided to draw bulbasaur :3 (he is my favourite starter)

I have been listening to Pokedance for what feels like an eternity and I am not bored yet

Jinichi is laying weird and it makes her leg look broken!

(She is 100% fine. Jericho, on the other hand...)

porygon2! also, i made such a cute sticker pack design for may. i'm excited to post it on may 1st!

I collect shiny Tapuā€™s


(kevin conroy got 3rd - only non actor in the list)

Here's flappy bird but with Pokemon

This chonker reminded me of those round animal videos