Willy's Horrorland

2 years ago

Here is an improvement of the updated models.

We know many didn't want a change in the models, but we felt it was necessary as the game is in total change along with new rooms and other things. The old models wouldn't match the new ideas at all, so this led us to the deduction of redoing the animatronic models.

The changes were based on the criticism in the last devlog, and I hope you all accept our redone work, it take time and effort, making such a change is not that easy, we are not taking step backwards, the new models will continue in the game.

For you who prefer the old ones, don't be disappointed, we will release a build of the game with the outdated models for those who prefer them.

We just want to mention that saying the kind of stuff some of you did in the post showcasing the new models is far away from being healthy for us, we are humans behind a screen after all, the hate comments will be deleted next time something like this happens.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who gave us constructive criticism, we are free to accept any kind of criticism that can really help our games!


Arty Evolution.


Siren Sara Evolution.


Ozzie Evolution.




Next up

Willy's Horrorland - News

Willy's Horrorland is Canceled!

The official Swashbucklers Games server is open on discord!

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

We are already aware of the criticism that many of you gave in Willy's last devlog and we thank you for it. We will be using your criticism to rework the current models.

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Five Nights at Freddy's! Go to and accept the quest to get started.

Some rooms from Willy's Horrorland.

#WIPWednesday i miss doing wip wednesdays so this is what im currently working on the last scene is unfinished and i still have alot of scenes to add but i really like alot of stuff i have done so far so i might aswell show that of :D

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