A Golden Past - Chapter 1: Grand Reopening

21 days ago

Here's a kitchen WIP from @deluxe_rainbow_channel (commissioned him)

The map is made in Blender, but everything will be ported/textured in C4D once the map gets done. But map will be tons better now wooo



Next up

Chapter 1 has a full story, yooo lmao

just glad it's something to work with and not me winging it like the original (TERRIBLE IDEA SDAFGYHASDJFDS)

So huge props to both @William_Fazworth and @MrDrProfess0rJacob

Had this level unfinished for a year basically, but gonna come back and finish it. Prob won't be the whole song, but ay feels nice to come back to it boredly. I ofc improved with layouts since this, I also added some 2.2 features cuz I felt like it lol

The old 2018 demo was originally gonna have a boss fight, and this was the image LOL

(I'm just finding archived stuff at this rate.)

This Comes From Inside.

Typical discord call with the boi's

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

Making a top 1 NC level, so far the beginning is beyond hard which is the point and the gimmick of clicking those trigger orbs to make things go away will add interesting extra clicks to the gameplay (this is def humanly possible.), still VERY early WIP.

Lil' snip screenshot of the office so far, wooOO

Announcements!! Game engines, independence, and Virtual Reality

Here's the full 3 btw, since it's revealed. Models are by me and I've always wanted to show these too lmao