9 days ago

Here's a little doodle painting I made last night.

: Krita



Next up

By the way, this was the quick composition sketch I made for the painting I posted yesterday. Wanted to share, 'cause I thought it was funny. Pikachu is totally doing the surprised meme face.


Every renaissance painting requires excessive drapery for no apparent reason. It's some kind of unwritten rule.

WIP, of course!

: Clip Studio Paint

【No Man's Sky】

I keep finding "paradise" planets that look like this... So gross...

Thank you for 14k followers!

: Krita

Well, there certainly isn't any doubt as to which character won with these results.

Thanks so much for all the votes! Character B moves on!

New PFP!

: Blender (Cycles)

Snapped this photo of some bluets!

By the way, have you seen @LinaWorker 's community for everything plants and gardens? https://gamejolt.com/c/Plants_and_Gardens-zsxtpc

I'm guessing they'll be using the results of this study to adjust the NSO subscription when their next console comes around? Should be interesting.

Don't think I can share the questions they asked me, but you can be sure I gave my honest feedback.

#FanArtFriday (Even though I started on this last night before finding out the FAF theme was Kirby, hehhehehehehwehheheh...)

Wishing you all the bliss Kirby enjoys this weekend!

: Clip Studio Paint

Here, take this Yoshi doodle.

: Krita

Hope everyone's week is starting well!