One Week at Splinky's: COLLECTION

1 year ago

Here's a remastered version of the 1st ever teaser for OWaS 1. I made this new ver since the model for Shadow Splinky got a very small change.

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As a ''Thank You'' For 1k views on one of my YT Vids, Here's a New Teaser, showcasing a New character!

TLDR: Remember to stay cool B)

Welcome to Freddy's Playful Diner! We hope you will enjoy your stay here.

I played some Roblox games with @inverted_minnie for a few hours.. we found fnati 3 (real)

This is now out! Dunno why I made this but uh ye have it.

#GjAsks tinky winky from slendytubbies in smash bros

The map for OWaS 1 has been finished! =D Here's a preview of the office! (It's not the full view of the office, its a cropped version since you will only see the full version in-game >:))

Five Nights at Sonic's [V.2.0] | Review⭐

It is Bud's (TheNextGenius) birthday, so wish him a happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Bud!