One Week at Splinky's: COLLECTION

1 year ago

TLDR: Remember to stay cool B)

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Here's a remastered version of the 1st ever teaser for OWaS 1. I made this new ver since the model for Shadow Splinky got a very small change.

One Week at Splinky's - Devlog #1

Five Nights at Sonic's [V.2.0] | Review⭐

2024 Project Updates

The second Tubbyland retake is out! This will *PROBABLY* be the final one. -------------------------------- -=LINK=-…

One Week at Splinky's 1 - Menu Preview!

Credit goes to @ToadThePuppet for fixing some of the bad coding and making the character transitions! (No, not the animation itself, the part where they go off the screen was made by Toad.) Remember, this is a WIP.