12 days ago

Here’s my take on a redesign for toy Bonnie, decked out in an outfit inspired by avenger chuck ^^

#art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #fanart #fnaf #fnaf2 #redesign #silly #funny #goofy



Next up

My artistic rendition of an average Gamejolt user

I have coined him Dequavius Gangruel the 3 9/4th

#art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #meme #silly #funny #goofy

Just woke up

Ain’t no way he was literally down the road at the pound shop 💀💀💀

Every shadow is a caution.

This Comes From Inside.

Philly bites the curb

Don’t worry it’s ketchup

#art #traditonalart #sketch #doodle #OC #Originalcharacter #silly #funny #goofy

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!