Tubbyland Mixtapes and Return to Tubbyrush Archives
5 months ago

here the last one

Name song: Clicky

(Song by @LucinaSantiago )

And i sweer i will get that build of ttlm



Next up

Guesse who is back!

Guys if yall want you can join my server then click here https://discord.gg/yEpz9btcKt

yo guys i realize... that ported model pack of final nights bc why not have fun

(also credit @JeliLiam i guesse bc it's him who creat the game so yeah)


Pixel stuff

Wow song two Jakqdjjdjsjd and idk what to say

Name song: Ventruder

(Song by @LucinaSantiago )

Friday Night Funkin'.

Sorry to say that but Tubbyland Mixtapes Revamp is cancelled bc private stuff (i not wanted but it's i think when lucina will come back you will understand also it's not related to anything about what lucina did in the past)

So time for a tubby bye bye

Yo guys

So ttlm/rttr archive is kinda scrap or not but will be less active and it will be kinda @Random_Profile that will carry the rest and for the build it's obvious that Lucina will say no but i dont blame her but still

Thank you @LucinaSantiago

Naisonji !

Jolurarity gameplay

The blinded (ttla act 2 po) vs Kenny (bf)