Tubbyland Mixtapes and Return to Tubbyrush Archives
5 months ago

Wow song two Jakqdjjdjsjd and idk what to say

Name song: Ventruder

(Song by @LucinaSantiago )



Next up

Guesse who is back!

ik ididnt post anything during july but eh so i will just try to find stuff for ttlm archive for finish it and i will continue to work in fnadr cya

also here a old gameplay of face off aka old take my face

all credit to @LucinaSantiago bc she own the mod

Song for the first birthday of rttr there the authers but i will post another day

Name song: Visitors

(Song by @LucinaSantiago of cours and also go play jovo kaizo and DONT spoil me pls)

Pixel stuff

Jolurarity gameplay

The blinded (ttla act 2 po) vs Kenny (bf)

Friday Night Funkin'.

Officially in bluesky


For fun

Sorry to say that but Tubbyland Mixtapes Revamp is cancelled bc private stuff (i not wanted but it's i think when lucina will come back you will understand also it's not related to anything about what lucina did in the past)

So time for a tubby bye bye

Naisonji !

yo guys i realize... that ported model pack of final nights bc why not have fun

(also credit @JeliLiam i guesse bc it's him who creat the game so yeah)
