
4 years ago

Here we have a Magical cat like creature named Mewlu, having joined the tribe only a few month's ago he's already proven himself as a talented weapons craftsman, and wishes to help the main protagonist as much as he can with his new inventions



Next up

oh! a crowd has gathered, what for I wonder

Best of luck storming area 51 Dude 7w7

Had a pretty wholesome dream last night. I was in the forest teaching an A.I girl how to build a Fire, and explaining the wholesome things people do around a campfire, it was very cute

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Christmas came early

-w- I'm gonna make this game I swear. . . some Year. . Probably. . .hopefully XwX

Truddy taking a Nap after a big Birthday Party

Happy Birthday @ddemkoo ! you're one of the most talented creators I've ever met! ^w^

Keep being Awesome mydude

Hooray! I have the motivation to animate again!

thanks to this new animation software I found the other night. hand drawn frame by frame animation looks good, but it just takes too long, So! I'm really excited to give puppet animation a try :3

got some cute attack animations for our main protagonist, I'm really excited to make staff attack animations :3

The Chief Elder has arrived, he is very wise, very old, and has come to warn everyone of the incoming attack

She's small, but Fierce!

protect your ankles at all cost :O