
Comments (49)

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I'll make these bois work till they die

Followed! this is going to be awesome! I really love the main character!!

Im not a furry, but this looks fire

I'm here ^^

Grab your loincloth and try to achieve the highest score, while defending your tribe against the savage Blurples

#arcade #shooter #other #survival #action #Furry #Furries #prehistoric

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

-w- I'm gonna make this game I swear. . . some Year. . Probably. . .hopefully XwX

I like how this Forward running animation looks. it might not make the final cut, but I still like the swishy tail

This is my first time doing a Screenshot Saturday thing but here we go :3

This is the character select screen, it still needs work but I like how it looks, and after the game is made, in future updates I'll add more characters to the list

The Chief Elder has arrived, he is very wise, very old, and has come to warn everyone of the incoming attack

got some cute attack animations for our main protagonist, I'm really excited to make staff attack animations :3