1 month ago

Hey everyone! Just wanted to say sorry for not posting anything in a while, I just have quite a lot of stuff irl to do and some stuff for utyc. And, if everything goes as planned, the devlog should come out at the end of May! If not, then in the June.

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Next up

Player casually ignoring Flowey. Nothing much.

Trying making some random sprites again, xd

Hey everyone! Guess what? The main development have been continued and from now I'll try to work as hard I can!


A bit edited sprite from last post!

A preview of DD_OneSong with the new BF Guitar Sprites!

New header and thumbnail!! :D

Made by @splshy

This building in minecraft have been made not by me! Very cool, right?


We have our first bit of pre-release footage! Behold, a placeholder background with Arten.


and why do you two post in the fifa 14 realm!?1/!??!1 i dont understand