Hello, Neighbor! Reborn
3 months ago

hey hey! and happy halloween! got some new stuff to show you all!

here's a list of everything shown off in the video:

-the neighbor can once again slip on banana peels! this time with improvements! he plays two different falling animations depending on whether he's in idle, hunt, or attack. bananas can also be turned into peels. banana peels are one time use

-a working day/night cycle! (which existed before, but the time was set when starting the level and never changed) the time changes when you get caught or sleep. speaking of sleep...

-beds are functional! you can sleep in your own bed, or use the neighbor's as a hiding spot including the animation of sliding under the bed!

-hunt mode has gotten improvements. the neighbor can now choose between running and walking while in hunt mode, something that was only ever seen in the pre-alpha. the neighbor can also check hiding spots!

-the neighbor can now break down doors! meaning it's no longer possible to lock him out of his own house. (im debating only allowing him to break down the front door, but im still not sure. this may change by the first release)

-the door with the latch now acts as it should, meaning the neighbor can no longer go through the door if the latch is closed, but he can if the latch is open.

-the latch itself has a bigger hitbox making it slightly easier to interact with

-lighting improvements and some technical stuff blah blah boring stuff ill talk about in the next devlog

that's all for now! hope you enjoy!



Next up

even this close to release im still adding features...

the neighbor can now use the latch :p

(forgot to post this on the game page lmao)

updated the lighting a little bit! here's a little teaser of what it looks like so far! (morning -> midday -> evening -> night)

fourth patch is out now! this ones a bigger one, with a few experimental things. full changelog in the rar file!

when's it coming? find out on november 24th :)

hello again! development has once more started up! not too much has changed since the last patch, except for a few noticeable differences... but the first major thing ive added is nails, along with a difference in mechanics between the hammer and crowbar!

teaser + release date :)

lemon tree.

lemon tree.

another quick video comparing the old bulbholder sparking sounds to the new ones which are the exact ones shown off in the prototype! (as well as the new stair mechanic lol)

the pre-alpha is out now! enjoy you gobblewonkers

hey hey! little update for you all: