Eddkenith drama
Alright I'll admit that I dragged that Drama for way too long instead of blocking him. While he was an asshole I do feel like I am also in the wrong for trying to drag his name down the floor. Now I know we were both stupid teens who really had no clue on how to be in a healthy relationship.
The NSFW art
Okay...I really regret making the NSFW account but Should I mention...I WAS LIKE 12! I feel like people were not as concerned as they should have been! I do admit I was at fault but yet again. I really dont want to put anyones name through the dirt but I partially blame someone... Mr slouchy
Mr slouchy was a "Friend" I had while I was on gamejolt and he was the one who made most of my alt accounts for me and while I did pressure him into making the NSFW account he obliged even though he was like 16! What he should have said was "CLASSIC WTF! YOUR LIKE 12. THAT STUFF WILL TURN ON PEDOPHILES" but no he made the account for me!
I'm truly sorry for anyone who saw that shit. Speaking of bad friends I'm no saint at all as I'd like to talk about someone I've mistreated badly
Terkeno was I friend I had badly mistreated. I used him for my own personal gain and then ghosted him once I left discord
@TerKeno I do not expect you to forgive me at all. I do not plan to continue this friendship due to how shitty of a friend I was and It's kinda unhealthy to continue a toxic friendship
Mr Sus drama
Okay I don't want to start shit but...Mr sus was kinda the reason for the NSFW art. What happened was that one day, me and mr sus were kinda...sexting even though he was way older than me! He knew my age and worst part was that when I sent him NSFW of my oc. He encouraged me! Mr sus was a groomer and his cousin was even more shitty for making excuses for why he groomed me.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v2JhR2lnL3XJFjgclPyu44SJJMF4rKn1wVNGChS2Kz4/edit also this doc has more info
@Mouzilla & @MrSlouchy-Archive
& Eddkenith
I did in fact Harass Mouzilla and Slouchy Badly.
I'm deeply sorry @Mouzilla for all that shit I put you through. Slouchy, despite some of the stuff you did I am also regretful of me harassing you
Same goes to Eddkenith
I also harresed @_A_Dumb_artist_ and @OxanityTheOfficial
@dotist and many others and I'm sorry and I do not expect to be forgiven
@EitanTheG drama
Okay this drama was dumb as shit and I do partially blame myself for even getting involved by Eitan accused me of stealing his OC even though it was purely an coincidence that we made 2 similar characters that are spikey
I hold no ill will twoards Eitan we both did stupid shit so yeah.
Final statements
Someone I'd like to blame for everything is none other than...Me
I did do some shitty stuff like say #Standwithukraine wouldn't help at all or calling people "Ret#rded" or telling people to "KYS"
I was not the best person back then and I regret every second of it
If any friends plan to contact me, please don't as I am entirely trying to leave the gamejolt/FNF community
If anyone feels there are any dramas I never covered please call me out in the comments and I shall edit this post. Thank you