Five Nights At Wario's Rise Of The Corruption MLS Edition
10 months ago

Hey lucky day, the game is releasing in 2 - 4 hours since my important thing I have today is in the evening so get ready for the game soon :D

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Wow Entries for lore reasons

Sneak peek of the thumbnail for the next MLS Edition game, title will be revealed soon C:

ROTCMLSE Chaos Universe No Context

Help, Phantom Penny confronted me and is now forcing me to release the game tomorrow because this game has so many similarities to TAF GOE, so unfortunately the game will be released tomorrow

The game is currently on beta testing phase so there's not much to say, anyways here is a preview of how @Priest189 felt when playing ROTC MLS Edition chaos universe on hard mode

Image by @TheToastBunny_Productions

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.

My gamejolt notifications when Cabin Fever The End releases (I literally made the same reference to Taf 0)

Also I'm at school so sadly I can't play it today but here's the game link, since it's out