
Comments (18)

What do you think?

How did you do that?


a wonderful experience

im crying.

Wait, is it being made in Scratch like the OG Rise of the Corruption or is it made with Clickteam Fusion?

what the... you can't do a remix of this project.

MLS used an ouija board to summon something that can get them to McDonalds, there were 3 portals, MLS, Smoke, and Priest all jumped in one of the portal and it sent them to somewhere that feels familiar but also doesn't, but there was someone that was watching in the distance, full of wanting revenge, full of rage, and lacks a feeling, he was going to use the opportunity to corrupt these 3 portals and put their lives in hell

The original game by: @NutelGame

Just incase you didn't know #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

v1.2 update released

v1.1 Update Released!

(Minor Spoilers Below!)

For those who are confused on how to play the main application, you have to go to the html file named FNAW and open it, that's how you can play the game, just wanted to point out for those who are confused, also a small update will be coming

Very well then... let's see what fate decides for them...

Hey lucky day, the game is releasing in 2 - 4 hours since my important thing I have today is in the evening so get ready for the game soon :D