hey, that five nights at bonnie's remaster concept? asking because thanks to @Bmoneybighead we got a gamejolt page up now: https://gamejolt.com/games/greengamerswelcometobonnies/785865 if you wanna take a look of course.
Next up
thought I'd share this random prototype of a game i wanna make in the future, not being made right now but i wanna make it in the future.
@firehurricane sent me this
New Looks for the UI elements, cameras are looking even closer to what we want. What do you think so far?
i made another minecraft video, should hopefully have it out sometime later.
Sometimes we wonder if he's joking or telling the truth
welp it was nice knowing ya.
hey i have a new minecraft video out right now, hope you enjoy: https://youtu.be/PwKQAMJonLU
(not for kids btw)
- .... . / .--. .- .-. - -.-- / -. . ...- . .-. / . -. -.. .----. ... / .-- .. - .... --- ..- - / -.. . .- - ....
without looking it up, who do you think this is?