2 months ago

Heya, have some doodles :b

The guy with the horn and the bunny are ocs. Maybe one day ill post more about them



Next up

Yea i am gay, move out bitches /j

Man i was doodling and this appeared lmaO

I tried to draw it again but i couldnt-

Hello again

Yea, im back temporally. Anyway, idk wgat to say sincerely, probably no one is going to read this lol

Happy earlistmas

Im back. Have some doddles

I'm so happy to finally show this illustration!!!

It was made for a card game called "Mix'art", it's a game about street art and they choose to illustrate each card by a different artist :D

(the game is fun)

(and I'm not saying that bc I won eheh)

Soo i was trying to draw smth to the #FanArtFriday but accidentally i made an oc lmao

Now it name is Bonnie and it has no gender

Im losing my sanity

matcha snake cake