hi guys
Next up
I love Zangoose, and blue shinies have a special spot in my heart so you know I had to get this one
Shiny charm really does wonders
This is oopy goopy
Gotta enjoy a Chansey
I don’t think I’m evolving this one tho, Blissey’s shiny isn’t that good
Thank you.
I actually feel kinda stupid for this one
You’ll prolly spot the shiny before I do
Still, this one is one of my favorites, shame that Magcargo has to change it
Got a lil assist from the rain here
Shiny sandyghast is nice, black shinies are goated and we all know that
Speaking of blue shinies, Flygon is next
I already had a Trapinch, however I didn’t feel like evolving it because I just enjoy shiny Trapinch so much
So I went for Flygon, I like the blue with orange accents, really nice
is it weird to have nostalgia over something from 4 months ago
I feel like I owe this lil guy so much
It’s only fair for him to be my first hunt with the shiny charm
I really like this shiny
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