Five Nights at Sonic's: The Reboot Saga
7 months ago

Hi, I'm breaking character here. So I am aware on what Smiler has done, and I'm just here to say, this will not affect TRS. He had no involvement on a AU franchise that can be a One-Man Show.



Next up



YA Act 4. I'm not in the mood to say something crazy like: WOAAH! WE FINALLY SETTLED ON A NAME!

Please wait until response.

FNaS Greenlit Devlog - 10/07/2023

Activate Project: R E V I S I O N.

FNaS MM INFINITE:The phantom gang!

It's been a while, hasn't it? Well let's say that I have something in my kitchen for a while now. And soon or later, the dish will be complete. See you soon.

I forgot to accept the #Joltober quest, so I have to repost. Anyway, this Hedgehog exists for my rewrite for Sonic.EXE. Let me know what you think of him and if you want to, give him a name since I cannot think one. *I personally think he's mid.*

FNaS 1 Pixel Robotics AU