
11 months ago

: You may have won ze battle, but you haven't won ze war



Next up

: Hell zere, to anyone who haz been wondering about the game'z progrezz, ti'z definitely moving, even a bit zlow, but it haz most of the featurez in, just got zome AI to program, and jumpscarez to animate but to keep you updated, herez a little zneakpeak

teaser trailer

*You have been kidnapped and you are now tied up to a chair in a small barely lit up room, and Triolge_Redrawn appears from the darkness* : Hello zere reader, az you can zee, I haz trapped you here, but I will let you go, if you anzwer one question

Impure Mouse (Definitive Reworked).

look in the story section of the description

Small Ver 2.2.2 Update with some small fixes

"You zought we were gone, no, we were just waiting"

: What tiz zizt? A green lightning bolt? Triolge_Redrawn join parody GameJolt

idk what to call this, It just a random bodies swap draw
