So this is what we have planned on the list to do so far:
Starting out sometime in November or December there will be a sorta major update to the Chara Fight which will include a new sprite for both Chara and Asriel an achievement system and maybe a touch up to some attacks, after that we will be starting to work on the next fight some time early next year which by popular demand so far will be Papyrus which I have so many amazing ideas for, hopefully we can get that out near April/May that's really it for the road map right now.
Other than that I'm searching for an animator right now if anyone's interested to help me with animating the soundtrack and helping make some of the scenes of the game if you're interested in that here is my discord name just dm me if you're interested: NeoXZenith#6498
I'm also currently looking for more Spriters, Scripters, and Programmers if you're interested just do the same thing dm me on discord.
Also have a nice day!
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