Game Community
Shifted Reality Community Page
19 Members

Comments (80)

What do you think?

I hope you will be able to make this happen and release it guys!
I heard some stuff about a drama when Facing Demons had to rebrand from Storyshift so I am wishing that you won't approach any problems like that through this..

Looks really good, I hope I can play this sometime soon :3
If not, I'll try my best to be patient!

TZ!Storyshift [Team Zenith] by by NeoXZenith

really good I like it a lot.

Amazing game! Was harder than I expected lol

(Btw thanks for crediting me I really appreciate it)

i really enjoyed this! im happy someone trying to make a full storyshift game thats FAIR and fun at the same time with intresting mechanics. i wish you GOOD LUCK! =D

Welcome To The Official Game Page Of Zenith Studios: Shifted Reality


Undertale By Toby Fox and Temmie Chang

Storyshift AU By Voltra

Shifted Reality AU By SakuraWinterz

Shifted Reality is an AU that takes place after a failed Genocide Route in the Storyshift AU.

(Similar to how Inverted Fate works)

Enjoy a new story with new characters, new roles, and even original ones too!

You play as Frisk, a not so silent protagonist anymore, where you can meet new Friends and Allies. And even maybe some Rivals and Enemies also.


Flowey Role: Boogie

Toriel Role: Papyrus

Sans Role: Lyra (New character that replaces Chara)

Papyrus Role: Undyne

Undyne Role: Asriel

Mad Dummy Role: Asgore

Napstablook Role: Alphys

(But you fight Glyde instead of her)

Alphys Role: Sans

Mettaton Role: Mad Dummy/Mew Mew

Asgore Role: Toriel

Asriel Role: Napstablook

Chara Role: Metta

Different Area Names

Ruins Of Old [Ruins]

Violet Grove [Snowdin]

Mirrored Caverns [Waterfall]

Scorched Plains [Hotland]

Underground's Core [Core]

The Sanctuary [New Home]


Discord | Twitter | Reddit | Youtube | Soundcloud


When will the game come out?

• Eventually but not now we have no release dates planned just yet. Also we are not making a game at this current moment for it. Expect to see more of the Inverted Fate web comic approach to how the story will be told. But that doesn't mean it'll not eventually be a game.

Why does it look different than regular Undertale?

• The style we are using for this game will be a bit more enhanced to the original Undertale. Overworld sprites will be shaded, and have more color, battle backgrounds will be more lively (but not highly detailed like some fangames), the UI will be more modern and will change throughout the game, and dialogue portraits will have more of a Stardew Valley style instead of Undertale's style

  • How many endings will this have?

• There will be unique final bosses for each of the main routes. Also most main Genocide bosses no longer die in 1 hit.

• There will be 3 different main routes with different endings.

~ Pacifist Route

~ Bad Ending Route

~ Continued Genocide Route

• All modes (types) will be used for soul modes and some of them will be revised.

We are always looking for new people to join the team to make this project possible, if you are interested dm me on discord at SakuraWinterz!

#undertale #fangame


Main Roles

@SakuraWinterz : Lead Director | Owner Of AU | Spriter | Writer | Character and Area Designer | Programmer

@Anqurei : Co Lead | Spriter | Writing Revisor | Beta Tester | Concept Artist | Character and Area Designer

@cherestrn: Composer

@OwenCat1512 : Composer

@_Utrechko_: Spriter | Beta Tester

@Polin01 : Spriter

@Nicool923 : Spriter | Random Npc Idealist

@Shade_Weaver: Spriter | Concept Artist | Character and Area Designer

@Akkikiller508 : Spriter | Concept Artist | Character Designer

@KarmitoFenix/Netofu: Writer

The Chaos Conspirator: Writer

@Dragon_rita : Promo Artist

(Current page thumbnail by them)

Beta Testers

@x_X_LatinWord_X_x : Beta Tester

@splshy : Beta Tester

@MrD-Undertale : Beta Tester

@Vioboy : Beta Tester

@_Utrechko_: Beta Tester

@InTheDark: Beta Tester

@AkkiKiller508 : Beta Tester


@Ghostwaslost/KAMI: Past Team Member | Huge Music Contributor

@roma2008 : Sprite Helper

@rapidstang2 : Music Contributor

@FaDeAWAY_UT: Music Contributor

Freshified: Music Contributor

Shaneli/VioletKei: Sprite Contributor

Medisun: Dialog Box Portraits

Milli Cul: Voiced The Old Chara

(Will probably come back for Lyra also)

Shyrenn: Voiced Toriel

UrbanRoast: Voiced Metta

Agung S: Reference/Concept Art Contributor


Thank you @souptaels for the awesome logo and for allowing us to use your Battle Buttons in the past and also for inspiration.

Thank you @IGB_team for both the kind words and for inspiration.

Thank you @Migs for allowing us to use Snitch from UTG as a cameo character and for the inspiration.

[Snitch and Friendly Scare are owned by Migs and the rest of the UTG Team]

Thank you Merg for checking out Demo 1. You are the best!

Thank you Voltra for making Storyshift.

Thank you Toby Fox and Temmie Chang for making Undertale.

Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Mild Language

Chapter 0, Shard 1 out of 12.


Well, if you didn't pick up the first very outdated demo, it's gone forever. Thanks to everyone who played it back when it came out!

You'll get a better demo eventually that has the entire first area instead of just the Papyrus fight and with good dialog.

With the new direction we're taking for Shifted Reality, I feel happy enough and more rejuvenated to come back from that break! Just going to be interacting with less socials to reduce stress

Ran out of space, but more important things so read down below.

Got some good news guys!

Shifted Reality is going back to the game path again!

It's time for the important thing!

Shifted Reality Chapter 0 The Shards first data log entry will be dropping tomorrow.

How exciting!
