1 month ago

How Windows 95/XP do you want this to be

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Sheriff is actually one of the Malaysian movies that got its peak. Didn't watch the entire movie yet but it's basically a police officer catching and arresting corrupt police officers and his name is Sheriff.

Common Syafiq Yusof W

Trying to figure out how Signalswitch's abilities works

Why does it giving absolute solver

Mizal and Paknil

This drawing took me FOREVER! lol I thought it would be cool to draw a group picture. By the way, if you don't see your character then it's not there. I did not drew every single character lol.


Sherry you're supposed to cosplay Siti Nurhaliza song in week 5 not Lady Gaga on budget


original image

: Aseprite


Oh wait I don't make eye contacts with people sorry

Imagine Signalswitch is really bored while playing music for the radio so he decided to play this song instead of any synthwave music he can find

Okay. I have a lot to say about this game, so much that I couldn’t possibly fit it in here. I finished Portal 2, and oh my god, this is the best game I have ever played. The ending was so freaking cool, and I’m still awe struck that this is from 2011.

Guys do we fw INTJ and E_FP friendship