2 months ago


For #primastickercontest !
I feel honored to participate in this contest of a dear person like @PrimaDrawz !

I hope you enjoy it! And may the best win!

Have a good evening! 'Cause I'm goin' to keep finishin' my projects!

It's amazing how much havin' limited internet access has helped me, just being able to post and draw helps you be more productive.... Welp... The internet has distracted me a lot from my projects, I thought it was worth pointin' it.

Intriguin'.... Havin' ADHD is complicated but you can make your life a lil' easier with this.

If you've problems finishin' drawings, limit your internet access and do your best to finish things that are unfinished! It works!



Next up

Howdy, partner!

It's a bit late for a post, but I'm just doin' a quick sketch to post later this week. I'm in a bit a rush around here 'cause I've to a baby shower at the beginnin' of Semptember. That's why I've been so absent.

I never have imagined that sketches I had done of Julie and Soul would turn out so cool!! Holy Moly!! I really liked 'em , especially Julie!

Am I gettin' the hang of it?

That's the difference between being inspired!

I love draw...fr

I found it strange why my post hasn't been published and when I goin' to check it's set to be released on 9/4

Dex, But HUMAN.

Another drawing goin' to paint! (Which I don't really like doin', I don't like paintin' my drawings) but this is for a good cause! Move my others medias around a bit!

Paintin' is a bit time-consumin', so it takes longer

Dex gets Liz mad

Brazil Hatsune Miku !!

Sorry pals.... But I couldn't resist this trend!

I liked her design and saw that lots of people were doin' it! I just thought.... Why not?


We're almost close to 900!!! With 8 more followers we will get closer to the much desired GJ Creator!!! Are you with me?! I know you are, pal!!

Sammy, but HUMAN, and Mark, a DOG.


Julie and Soul are in the process of being painted, and I intend to do it flat colors. If all goes well, it will be posted tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. on @gamejolt

Stay tuned and take care everyone!!