27 days ago

Howdy, partner!

It's a bit late for a post, but I'm just doin' a quick sketch to post later this week. I'm in a bit a rush around here 'cause I've to a baby shower at the beginnin' of Semptember. That's why I've been so absent.

As I'm tryin' to plan the whole baby shower on my sister-in-law's idea, it's very hectic these last few days, as well as havin' to get together with the women in the family to organize everything..... Yeah.... Being a mother isn't easy, pals

As soon as possible I'll continue part 2 of Vamprilla's drawing and take the opportunity to show the 3 troublemakers in action



Next up


Just a stop on the projects to make a TREND!

This post will be all over my social media! Don't forget to follow 'em! (actives)

The link is in the article below:

( I'll explain why I don't use some of 'em and why I use others)


Stoppin' by to let ya know that I'll be postin' the 900 followers drawing this Monday at 5:30pm.

And as I reported, I was goin' to work on my GJC pack, and the 2 of my most voted Ocs have already been chosen!

Another drawing goin' to paint! (Which I don't really like doin', I don't like paintin' my drawings) but this is for a good cause! Move my others medias around a bit!

Paintin' is a bit time-consumin', so it takes longer

WOWWZA ART CONTEST! (Read Bellow for Info)


We're almost close to 900!!! With 8 more followers we will get closer to the much desired GJ Creator!!! Are you with me?! I know you are, pal!!

atlas : ) commission

Brazil Hatsune Miku !!

Sorry pals.... But I couldn't resist this trend!

I liked her design and saw that lots of people were doin' it! I just thought.... Why not?


Julie and Soul are in the process of being painted, and I intend to do it flat colors. If all goes well, it will be posted tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. on @gamejolt

Stay tuned and take care everyone!!

I can't believe my trained eyes look at! 900??? ops 901???!! I'm sooooo happy with this, pals!!


You make a difference here and in my life! You're the booster that makes me want to stay here and draw every day!