3 years ago


-.ESP.-= Hey! eso me da una idea... "plantas vs zombis minimizado"

-.ENG.-= Hey! that gives me an idea... "plants vs zombies minimized"

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Seccion 'Sin Contexto'

disculpen por estar ausente un largo tiempo, estaba ocupado desarrollando el Call Of Gruty



'No Context' Section

sorry for being absent for a long time, I was busy developing the Call Of Gruty


Seccion "Sin Contexto"



"No Context" Section


"No Context" Section

Seccion "Sin Contexto"

P- #Lantern Doodle from PVZ 🧟‍♂️

Been having a PVZ phase so that's why :p

Sección "Sin Contexto"

"No Context" Section

The NPCs in Weefager are full of charm and are very important for uncovering the game’s deep lore! If you love Weefager, be part of it by joining the Kickstarter pre-campaign!
