Lets just say it's the longest one yet, he did a lot of work and he should be appreciated.
(yes I know there is more but have this while I finish V3 concepts and menu stuff)
Week 1

Background for Safety Lullaby and Left Unchecked

Background for Lost Cause

Pause portrait for Left Unchecked alongside sketch for it

Unused jumpscare image meant for ending of Lost Cause

A old design of Lost Cause Hypno, scrapped since it was hard to animate.

Currect design for Lost Cause Hypno

Icons for GF, BF, Left Unchecked and Lost Cause Hypno

Concepts for cutscene in Lost Cause alongside poses for Hypno

Animations for Lost Cause Hypno

Process of making Safety Lullaby background

Sketches for poses and perspective in Lost Cause
Week 2

Clean background alongside one with characters and concept for heat mechanic

Freakachu jumpscare portrait

Sketches for Gold poses

Sketches for Red and Dead Red poses

Freakachu entering battle sketch

Pain Split mechanic sketch

Sketches of Freakachu

Freakachu animations

Gold animations

Freakachu entering battle and Red becoming Dead Red animation

Concept for game over sequence

Songs ending concept

Gold and Red icons

Sprite comparisons to once found in creepypasta

Sketches of background pokemon

Unused ending animations of Silver ripping his skin and telling Feraligart to attack BF

Rought sketch of ending

Lineart of ending

Icons for Silver and unused Feraligatr icons

Original concepts for NO MORE phase and animations

Graves used in transition to Monochrome

NO MORE animation

Rought sketch of Gold's head detaching from body

Lip synced animaton with head detaching

Cleaner lineart for head detaching

More completed sketch of lip sync and head detaching

Non shaded version of head detachment

Original concept of gold for V1

Jumpscare portraits
Week 3:

Sketches for Buried man poses alongside game over

Sketches for Gengar poses and entrance

Sketches for Muk poses

Appiraition GF sketches and poses

BF sketches for animations and misses

Gengar pause portrait sketch

Buried man redrawn
Death Toll:

Bronzong and Beelze(the guy in suit) concept

Dawn concept

Idle sketch for Beelze

Phase 1 pose sketches

Sketch for contract portion

Phase 2 pose sketches

Unfinished sketch for Dawn changing into BF

Bellze and Dawn icons

Mid song animation for Glitchy Red

A small storyboard for animation

Keyframes of animation

Finished lineart for animation

Shadeless version of animation

Phase 1 Glitchy Red pose sketches

Phase 2 Glitchy red pose sketches

Concept for ,,Am I joke to you?" scene

Concept for ,,NO" scene with Glitchy Red deleting BF's Missingno

Gameover storyboard

Phase 1 and 2 Glitchy Red icons

Concepts for Jigglipuff poses

Examples of animations for Jigglipuff

Unused nurse Joy animation

Nurse Joy unused jumpscare

Gameover Pico concept

Icons for Pico and Jigglipuff

Jumpscare meant for ending of quesionarry

Animation of Wigglipuff with assets made by Garbo

Concepts for poses of Wigglipuff

Sketches for poses for Wigglypuff

Poses for reversed perspective with assets made by Kyoto

Pose concepts for changed perspective

Assets used in Wigglipuff's questionarre

Storyboard of questionarre

Sketches for poses of Ponyta for both perspectives

Background for questionarre

Icons for Ponyta and Wigglipuff
Bygone Purpose:

Background for both parts of song
Pasta Night

Unused animation for Gold flying throught room with ballons

Unused trumpet Toad apperently meant for intro

Sketch of room layout

Full sized paitings for Smile Dog, Victim#1 and Tomino's Hell

Sprites for Lord X, MX and Hypno